Betting Multiples Explained

November 15, 2018
Betting Multiples Explained

When it comes to placing acca or accumulator bets otherwise known as perms (permutations) it can become very confusing for someone who has never done one before. This is mainly due to the strange names used to describe them such as Goliath and Yankee.

Below are the betting multiples explained, each bet type is explained in more detail which should help you work out what each one is and whether or not it will suit your required betting strategy.

Win Bets


A Single is a bet on 1 selection in 1 event. If your selection wins, so do you.


A Double is 1 bet made up of 2 selections in different events. Both selections must be successful for your bet to win.


A Treble is 1 bet involving 3 selections in different events. All 3 selections have to win for your bet to win.

4-Fold Accumulator

A 4-Fold Accumulator is 1 bet made up of 4 selections in different events. If they all win, so do you. But if any of the selections lose, your bet does too.

Bet Types with more than 1 unit stake

The following bet types are all made up of more than one bet. Your stake is multiplied by the amount of bets involved and as long as one of the bets wins, you will receive some winnings (to get maximum winnings, all the bets must win).


A Patent has 7 bets, but is made up of 3 selections. Your 3 selections make up 3 single bets, 3 double bets and 1 treble bet.


A Trixie has 4 bets and totals 3 selections. It contains 3 doubles and 1 treble bet.


A Yankee has 11 bets involving 4 selections. You have 6 doubles, 4 trebles and 1 four-fold.

Lucky 15

A Lucky 15 consists of 15 bets involving 4 selections. You will have 4 singles, 6 doubles, 4 trebles and 1 four-fold.

Canadian/Super Yankee

A Canadian (sometimes known as a Super Yankee) has 5 selections which total 26 bets. There are 10 doubles, 10 trebles, 5 four-folds plus 1 five-fold.

Lucky 31

A Lucky 31 consists of 31 bets involving 5 selections. It has 5 singles, 10 doubles, 10 trebles, 5 four-folds and 1 five-fold.


A Heinz is 57 bets from 6 selections. There are 15 doubles, 20 trebles, 15 four-folds, 6 five-folds and 1 six-fold.

Lucky 63

A Lucky 63 is made up of 63 bets from 6 selections. You have 6 singles, 15 doubles, 20 trebles, 15 four-folds, 6 five-folds and 1 six-fold.

Super Heinz

A Super Heinz is 120 bets from 7 selections. It has 21 doubles, 35 trebles, 35 four-folds, 21 five-folds, 7 six-folds and 1 seven-fold.


A Goliath consists of 247 bets from 8 selections. There are 28 doubles, 56 trebles, 70 four-folds, 56 five-folds, 28 six-folds, 8 seven-folds and 1 eight-fold.

Perm (or Permutation) Betting

If you’ve made more than 2 selections, it’s possible to ‘perm’ them in a bet. This allows you to bet on all the doubles in 3 selections, all the trebles in 4 selections or all the 4-folds in 5 selections etc.

This is a convenient way to place a lot of multiple bets and can produce great winnings. For instance, if you place a perm bet of doubles from 4 selections you will receive some winnings if only 2 of your selections win.

To get the maximum winnings from this type of bet, all your selections have to win. When you place your bet, you’ll be shown a box which calculates your possible winnings* – please be aware that these are your maximum winnings and will only be achieved if all your selections win.

Lay Betting

Lay Betting is the option on Exchanges such as Betfair where punters can play the role of a traditional bookmaker but offering odds to sell a bet instead of the usual odds to back a bet. “that horse won’t win this race”; “I bet you it won’t finish”; “They’ll never win if they don’t sub him off.”

In other words lay betting is backing something to lose.

Author mrgambler